Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test

Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test

Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test

Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test

Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test
Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test
Article on What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test
What happens during 4W Practical Test
What Happens During Motorcar Practical Test

On the day of your practical test, ensure that you bring all the necessary documents.

First, attend the warm-up practical session with your instructor. Then, a random tester, test route, and vehicle will be assigned to you after the warm-up session.

The driving test will commence with the circuit courses followed by driving on a public road.

Testee who accumulates less than 20 demerit points with no immediate failure will have a chance to proceed to a public road.

Pay close attention to all safety checks such as blind spots and mirrors before making any turns or lane change.

Do not be panic if you made any mistake, don’t give up, and don’t sigh, just proceed with care and calmness. Give yourself a chance to prove your performance.


This article is brought to you by Bukit Batok Driving Centre.


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